"AMFI-registerd Mutual Fund Distributor"

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Pragati Funds is promoted by Sanjay Relekar who is an MBA in Finance and over 25 years exposure in the area of Personal Finance and Investments. The firm has well equipped office managed by an able team of Customer Support personnel. We follow the process of Investment Planning in every transaction that we conduct with our investors, which gives us an edge in any type of market condition .While we are process oriented we have not lost the personal touch because we believe we have our investor’s most valuable asset—TRUST.

He places his TRUST in us to guide him to BUILD, CONSERVE & GROW his hard earned money.

We cater to the investor’s need by allocating his assets across diverse financial products

1. Mutual Funds
2. Direct Equity
3. Bonds
4. Fixed Deposits
5. Alternative Investments
6. Gold
7. General Insurance

We also help clients in Estate Planning.

We measure our success in terms of the accolades bestowed upon us by our investors only and their success in achieving their financial goals with our help.

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